The Following News Media Have Interviewed or Written about Donald Fareed and PMI:

Herald Tribune, Associated Press , LA News, Monterey Herald , Religion Today, Sacramento Bee Mercury News , Contra Costa Article, Cross Walk , Desert Palm, Entertainment Informant , WMUZ Radio with Moss Emory, Fox News Website , Free Republic, Iran Va Jahan , Iraq Sun Magazine, Lord’s Watch , News Bull, San Jose Mercury News , Religion News Web log, Appadana International, The E-zine Dot Net, NBC 11 Local News , CBS 5 Eyewitness News, ABC Local News , KFAX with Craig Roberts, , The Politics Blog, Open Press , e media wire, Marzeporgohar , Montreal2O, KKLA;USA Radio Network , WMUZ; America Radio, Monday Night Live Show , Kentucky dot com, Across Pacific & Asia , Streaming Faith, Fellowship , Crossroad, Nevada Appeal , American Family Network AFR, Christian Television Network; CTN , KDKA, Pulpit Network , MCR Review, Religion News & many more!

Updated: March 2005

This is what some of them have said …

“Now he reaches about 30 million people each week …”

Associated Press Breaking News

“… he works to bring others out of Islam and into the knowledge of God through a relationship with Jesus Christ.”


“Ex- Muslim Seeks to Transform Iran with Christian Broadcasts”

Agape Press

“His message promoted communication and understanding between Muslims and Christians after 9/11.”

CBS 5 Eyewitness News

“It appears that he achieved the goal of starting that dialogue …”

NBC 11 Local News

“Unlike other Christian converts from Islam, he is not merely expressing spiritual ideas, but also core democratic ideals.”

San Jose Mercury News

“Persian Ministries International specializes in equipping the Church in America not only to understand Islam, but also to reach out to the Muslim community and communicate in a way that they can relate and understand.”

Agape Press

“Fareed makes use of his weekly broadcasts to encourage his former countrymen to push for a new government and at the same time, he tries to educate his listeners, because he wants the Iranian people to learn about the positive values, standards, and ethics of Western culture.”


“Fareed, now a U.S. citizen and Christian pastor, has preached a radical, combined message of religion and politics. Fareed’s programs broadcast into the heart of the “10-40 window” around the Persian Gulf in Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan and the Southern part of Iraq where nearly 90 million Farsi-speaking Muslim live. His unique, combined spiritual and political message has attracted many to hear his religious message in the context of what is relevant to their political and religious struggles with Islam, particularly the fundamentalist version.”

Across Pacific & Asia

“Fareed says once a dialogue is opened with a Muslim, a Christian must share the gospel with them – without compromise.”

Agape Press

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